Friday, June 20, 2008

People Pulling Together

I don't know about the rest of you, but Iowa feels like it is falling apart right now. The good part is that we are all hanging in there together and it seems like communities are really holding one another up. I was surprised when one of my parishoners came to bible study on Tuesday and brought our Annual Conference passage up... she didn't realize it was the AC scripture, but she said that it had given her comfort in these last few days. And with so many people unable to return to their homes, for who knows how long, it continues to be such a relevant and meaningful passage.

I was blessed to be in Cedar Rapids today and walk through some neighborhoods with other local ministers offering pastoral care and just listening to stories. It is heart breaking - but so many people were helping one another... there was one woman who said that she and her neighbor had not spoken for 10 years because of some long forgotten dispute - and they talked today for the first time. It's just so powerful about how people pulled together and helped.

Katie Z. Dawson
Pastor at Marengo UMC

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