Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Charles City, from June 9

The Cedar River, which goes through Charles City, crested this afternoon, with record flooding along the entire Cedar River valley. We are on the NE side of the river and not able to go to the SW part of town. There was a footbridge open this morning for pedestrian crossage in the middle of town, but that was closed off late this morning. Many, many homes are flooded along the river. The historic suspension bridge is gone. The two main traffic bridges are closed and they are still concerned that they might be stressed beyond use. We haven't had any calls for assistance at the church, however I was just across the street to the YMCA and talked with the Salvation Army coordinator and the Y director. They are coordinating with the Red Cross, and I offered any assistance our church might be able to provide. They're set up with cots and food for 30 people tonight. There were a few people there last night, and they expect between 20-30 toight. Ironically, this is one of the most beautiful days we've had, weather-wise, for a long time... low humidity and pleasant temps with a mild wind.

I have a feeling things are going to get pretty busy around here as the clean-up processes begin and as we learn about the specific needs of all those affected. We've begun cancelling events already. The Youth Fest that was scheduled for Saturday is postponed. I'm not sure we'll be able to go ahead with our Vacation Bible School this week because of the uncertainty of accessability by bridge and the availability of our teachers and volunteers. We'll make a call on that tomorrow when the staff is here. I'll update as I know more. Please keep our community in your prayers.


Gary VanWert
June 9, 2008

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