Monday, June 30, 2008

On Doing What We Do

On Doing What We Do

It was a few weeks ago Friday evening and the water had risen.

Gathered in prayer for the healing and recovery front of us, the United Methodist Preachers planned and prayed for two hours. There were tears; there was support and an overwhelming feeling of God inspired resolve.

The water crested and began to subside. Tuesday morning, block by block the neighborhoods were being opened for folks to see what was left of their material lives. From the middle of it came a phone call, it was a colleague who simply said; “can you please come to my neighborhood.”

For years those were her people, the people of another neighborhood on the other side of the river with whom I and my congregation had little if any connection. That Tuesday everything changed. Her people – the whole neighborhood became what they always should have been – our people.

We quickly trained teams of pastors to go house to house offering an ear, shoulder, presence and prayer to those who had lost much of their “everything.” Simultaneously our volunteer structure was ignited and men and women with trucks and trailers began helping people move their possessions to storage places. Almost immediately tents were set up on the church lawn where water and refreshments for the already wearying workers could be given. Within half a day “muckers” from every manner of church, volunteer organization, circle of friendship and kinship began the process of removing the “muck” from homes.

No one knew the future – only the present seemed certain, people needed help and the Christians were there to offer it in voluminous ways. Why?

Steve Sjogren once wrote: “We love, we serve and care for others because that is the normal behavior for people who are filled with God’s Spirit. We are Christians. Christ was the ultimate servant. We can’t help but serve because the Spirit of the Servant has filled our hearts. When we serve, we are just being who we are naturally.” For me this has always been the essence of why we do what we do as individuals and as the body of Christ.

The opportunity before us is long and arduous. The opportunity before us has been mapped out by the Servant Master of us all who is willing and planning to walk it with us. There is much to do, much to pray for, many to be served all because it rained too much in Iowa this spring. We are committed as Christians to do what we do for however long it takes to heal our cities and state because simply; we are the Christians and for the time being, that is what we do.

In Greatest Expectation,
Rev. Mike Morgan
First UMC, Marion

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Flood Helps St. James UMC Live Out It's Mission

Pastor Beth Straw pointed out that the flooding has actually enabled the St. James congregation to live out its mission, by enabling the congregation to get outside its walls and into the community, building stronger relationships with the people who live in the neighborhood surrounding the church. St. James has a makeshift “Hospitality Center” in the front yard where area residents can come for bottled water, masks, flood buckets, gloves, first aid kits, homemade cookies and brownies and just about anything else! Across the first tent, there is a banner that says: “Swimming Together” along with the God’s words: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you a future with hope!” (Beulah Potter, a member of St. James and mother of UMC pastor Marlene Brown, shared this particular verse with Pastor Beth when Beth visited her in the hospital last week. Beulah’s house was later destroyed by the flood, and she passed away from cancer on Thursday morning. Her last legacy, however, was the proclamation of God’s presence and promise to the neighborhood in which she lived and which she loved.) St. James is proclaiming this promise of a future with hope in both word and deed. Even as they empty the contents of their own building, members are moving through the streets of the neighborhood, praying with people, distributing water and other needed supplies, and listening to stories.

They are beacons of hope!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Jon Gaul, in the North Central District Newsletter

Tornados, floods and so many disasters worldwide have really hit hard this spring. It can be seen by some as a test of faith. I was really encouraged this morning to hear a national news reporter comment that the flooding in Iowa seems to have strengthened people’s religious faith rather than weaken it. The report then ran a video clip of a flood victim who said God didn’t cause this to happen, but that God would help them get through it.

I am of a similar mind and belief. I believe God created this world to operate in an orderly pattern. We need to understand and respect that pattern, which includes storms, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and the list can go on. The occurrence of these phenomena can have disastrous effects, especially when they hit populated areas. However, I do not believe God causes these storms to punish us or even to teach us a lesson, although we should and do learn from them. They are a part of God’s naturally occurring creation and we need to respect them and minimize our risk of being affected by them. However, we cannot do away with all risk. Anywhere we live in this world, we can be affected by one or another of these occurrences. When they do occur, what we need to do is be ready to respond by witnessing to our faith and helping out in any way we can.

We have a number of churches in our district doing this. I tagged along with members from the Ogden church as they helped out in Parkersburg on June 10. It was an unbelievable sight to see the devastation there. You may wonder what difference a few people could make. But as they say, “many hands make light work,” and it will take many more hands to rebuild that community. Much of the big debris had been pushed into piles. Our job was to pickup the small pieces of debris that were everywhere. We started out at three house sites in a neighborhood that had been totally flattened. As we finished up and were getting ready to move on, one of the home owners happened to come by and then we knew it was worth it. He expressed such appreciation and was especially touched by the flowers the Ogden group planted in his yard to bring some life back to the area.

From the Bidwell-Riverside Center...

Our primary needs at the moment are for our Early Childhood Development Center—we lost two of our childcare rooms and all of the equipment and supplies for them. Also, our kitchen is gone, so we are doing the best we can to prepare food for 42 children out of a small kitchenette with a microwave! We have no reasonable way to wash dishes, so we are using LOTS of paper products. We are working hard to get back to normal, but my guess is that it will take most of the summer, so we’ll be needing supplies for awhile. These are the most needed things. Thanks for all your help.

We always need paper products, especially paper towels. Toilet paper is a close second. We currently do not have our dishwasher, so we are going through LOTS of paper products for meals (plates, 5 oz. cups, plastic spoons & napkins).

Our food pantry was also in the basement, so any canned vegetables or fruits. We are using a lot of the individual fruit cups for the children right now also.

If anyone wants to get something more for the children, we never have enough washable markers, this is a favorite of the children over crayons or colored pencils. We have been spending some extra time outside due to lack of central air, so outside toys would be helpful also (bubbles, sidewalk chalk, buckets, shovels, sprinkler, etc.)

As always, we will be buying extra things to “make due” for now, so money donations will be needed also.

Robert Crandall (
Executive Director, Bidwell Riverside Center

(The Bidwell-Riverside Center is located at: 1203 Hartford Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315 Phone: (515) 244-6251)

Helpful Reminders in Disaster Relief Response

I was able to work with a crew cleaning out at a house on Saturday and several things came to mind from a pastoral care perspective that I wanted to share. This is not anything new, but thought it just needed to be shared, especially with crews beginning to come in from out of town and out of state.

Taking photographs – Pictures are being taken by the team leaders for the purposes of documenting what is being done at each of the homes we are working on. Caution should be exercised by other members of the team in taking photos for their personal use. This could be perceived as an invasion of privacy, particularly if the pictures are of the home itself and the photos are taken without the permission and knowledge of the homeowner. Teams should be asked to use discretion, and if possible, ask the homeowner before taking pictures.

Handling what comes out of the house – Enthusiasm abounds when it comes to tackling the cleanup, but it should never be forgotten that these are people’s homes and their possessions, and though we see water-soaked furniture, mud-covered dishes and clothing, it also represents a lifetime for many of these folks and we need to handle things respectfully at all times. Side note: the gentleman we helped on Saturday had just lost his wife of many years the week before the flood. As I was walking back to get another load, I found a garbage can that someone had filled with items of clothing, shoes, etc., that were most likely his late wife’s. This 89-year-old man will never be able to go through the healing part of his grief by going through his wife’s things and deciding for himself what to keep and give away. That decision was made for him by the flood. So, teams need to put themselves in the homeowner’s places and handle things as respectfully and lovingly as possible, given the conditions.

Casual remarks – Again, enthusiasm abounds, but care needs to be taken so that off-hand remarks are not taken the wrong way and seem insensitive to the homeowner’s circumstances. Something said off the cuff may be a light-hearted attempt to alleviate some of the pressure of the situation, but may be very hurtful if overhead and misconstrued by the homeowner.

-Vicki Standley, Director of Pastoral Care, First United Methodist Church in Marion

Ways to Get Involved

Many persons have asked “how can I be physically involved in the clean up in Palo, Olin or Cedar Rapids?” A good and direct way in these early stages is to call 319.377.4856 (First Church in Marion) which is working with many UM local churches and groups coming on mission trips as the first response hub to organize and direct the projects. A four stage plan is in place for volunteer workers.
1) Move out “saveable” items.
2) Move out that which is damaged beyond repair.
3) Muck out the home/bleach and do mold kill
4) Begin deconstruction.

Deconstruction, the removal of drywall etc. is on hold to some extent because of city decisions regarding building permits and electricity. We will proceed with this work when given go ahead by local authorities. In a few weeks there will be opportunities for persons who have skills and abilities that do not include those things listed above.

As you volunteer for a day or longer period of time, please be ready to provide the name of your church, pastor’s phone and when you are able to come. More than a day’s notice is MOST helpful if you desire to be put to the most useful and effective work with the teams in place. Further, we are hesitant (because sadly of what we know about the world today) to take any “lone” volunteers, so groups, even of two or three are best.

We are organized early and ready AND need some empathy on the part of the eager helper to accomplish the most for the kingdom. Everyone in Cedar Rapids appreciated the love and prayers of God’s people.

-Rev. Mike Morgan

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update on Flood-Damaged Church Buildings in the Cedar Rapids Area

The Palo United Methodist Church reports that electricity has been restored, and they plan to worship in their sanctuary on June 29, 2008. Their basement, which received eight feet of flood water, has been mucked out and dried, and reconstruction will begin soon.

The St. James United Methodist Church building is heavily damaged. Extensive clean-up has been—and is—underway. The congregation is awaiting word from the city about whether building permits will be issued before any plans for reconstruction can be developed or efforts begin. St. James is currently worshipping at St. Mark’s UMC.

The Salem United Methodist Church building is heavily damaged. At this point, the future of the building is uncertain. Salem is currently worshipping at Lovely Lane UMC.

The Trinity United Methodist Church buildings consist of a sanctuary building which has housed the Matthew 25 Hub in the lower level, and a Christian Education/Office building which houses the Trinity Lane pre-school and Harley Steele Hall. At this point, the sanctuary building has been sealed off, and a private contractor has been hired to clean up the Christian education building. Trinity is currently worshipping at Asbury UMC.

The Matthew 25 Ministry Hub is temporarily relocated to the Sharon UMC, and will eventually move back into the Taylor neighborhood, likely with offices in the Harley Steele Hall at Trinity UMC.

Thanks to all who have volunteered, donated money and supplies, provided hospitality, and prayed for relief efforts in the Cedar Rapids area!

Indiana Youth Working at Olin

(Photos by Julie May)

The Morrisville, Indiana Youth are working VERY hard and making a difference in the lives of people!!!
-Rev. Julie May

The Latest from East Central

From Marion First UMC...
We deployed a number of groups today - Coggon, Hillcrest in Dubuque and Unicon, TN. They were engaged in “mucking” out.

At this point, over 30 groups now signed up for a week or so...

-Rev. Mike Morgan

Columbus Junction

Photos by Cathy Whitlach

Matthew 25, Cedar Rapids

She called from Louisiana today. She grew up a United Methodist and even attended a small town church in Iowa. Many years later, she teaches kids in a rough, low-income neighborhood in Louisiana. In her spare time, she has kids come over to her house for a Bible Study. She doesn't make a lot of money, but for at least the next year she wants part of her offering to go to helping kids in Cedar Rapids. So, she decided after a brief conversation, she will send $80 per month to help however she can. Maybe it can pay for a kid from a flooded home to go to pre-school or have some toys they lost. I asked her, "How did you find Matthew 25?" She said, "I was just searching the web for a way I could help and found you." Rest assured we will put ALL her money to use helping a child in need. It is amazing what people will do to help and how their story is connected to our story. Really, I guess it is all God's story of coming together in the face of adversity.

There have been many who have asked what Matthew 25 looks like right now. If you visit our web site,, you will find a 6 minute walk through video of the space as it currently exists. It is not a pretty sight. We hope you will pass this video along to others. They can access it on YouTube as well. Obviously, we are in the midst of regrouping, but are also continuing to minister as best we can.
Thanks for all the support, whether through cookies or through showing up and walking the neighborhood. Your prayers and concern mean a lot. Beginning tomorrow, we will be joining Vista workers in assessing the Taylor Neighborhood. Our plan is to go from 1:30pm-3:00pm. Meet at Sharon UMC, corner of 18th Ave. and 9th St. if interested in helping. We will also be looking at some evening times in the next week and will let you know those as soon as we can.

May we all be a blessing to one another during this time of trial.God's Peace,
Clint Twedt-Ball

Cedar Rapids Prayer Service (From the CR GAZETTE)

More than 300 people from a variety of faith backgrounds gathered to pray, sing, mourn and celebrate together Tuesday night at Veterans Memorial Stadium.

The interfaith prayer service was organized to let victims of this month's flood — those who were personally affected and those who know people who were affected — pray for strength and comfort each other as the recovery and rebuilding process begins.

"This is a night of worship and opportunity to acknowledge that we are a community that is experiencing pain," said the Rev. Larry McGuire of Community of Christ Church in Hiawatha.

Worship leaders from across faith lines — including Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims — offered words of prayer and encouragement. Representatives from 30 faith organizations, churches and ministries that were damaged or destroyed in the flood were acknowledged with a standing ovation.

Cedar Rapids photos

more photos from Brian Milford

Clean up Photos taken by Brian Milford

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Palo, June 21

Literally hundreds of United Methodists from the Cedar Rapids metro area are in the city or at Palo today “mucking out” houses and churches. All the churches have teams and many communities nearby have sent teams as well. Supplies continue to roll in and be used almost immediately.

One interesting ministry has been the distribution of boxes to persons who can save things from the upstairs of their homes. United Methodists have delivered over 1000 boxes to persons and in many cases helped pack them up and carry them out of the homes to waiting trucks or cars.

A group worked under the leadership of Rev. John Howerton at the Palo UMC “mucking” out the basement. Every item in the basement was a complete loss, including the walls and appliances. The sanctuary is only slightly damaged by the humidity and should be able to be restored to its pre-flood beauty.

From Pictured Rocks, June 21

You all have been in the prayers of my staff and me. This past week several of my summer staff members were able to assist in the clean up efforts in the Cedar Rapids area and it touched them very deeply to see the hope and strong faith being expressed by the clergy and residents with whom they worked. You and your actions are inspiring to these young adults, keep up the great work.

I also wanted to write to let you all know that Pictured Rocks is available to you for that day of rest and renewal that everyone will need. All I ask is that you let me know the day you plan on coming so that we can have a place for you at meals and if you will need overnight facilities. There is no cost to you, we just ask that you allow us to provide a place apart.

Be bold, be strong,

Dave B-W

Rev. David Bracht-Wagner, Site Director
Pictured Rocks UM Camp & Retreat Center
12004 190th St. Monticello IA 52310
"Proud to Be Your Camp"

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pastors Meet for Prayer and Training

Pastors from the area surrounding Cedar Rapids have been meeting at St. Mark’s United Methodist in Cedar Rapids and the First United Methodist in Marion every morning at 9:30 AM for prayer and training to offer a first wave of pastoral care to residents and business owners in the effected neighborhoods in Cedar Rapids. Each day they have been deployed into the areas most recently opened by inspectors to offer a presence on behalf of the local churches for those “seeing” their properties for the first time. The stories of grief and loss are countless. The frustration of those who cannot yet be let into their home, even when they can see it is great. Conversation, counsel, prayer and the simple presence has been an important first wave in our UM ministry.

Cleaning Up in Cedar Rapids

Roy Pettibone, Bill Werner and Toby Lawrence members of First United Methodist in Marion along with 8 college students and father in law Rev. Emmanuel Tablisema “mucked” out the home of Rev. Courtney Ball today. First, the garage was cleaned and the floor power washed so that undamaged things from the upper level of the home could be stored. Second the cleaning of the house where the water was 7 or 8 feet high began. Furniture, appliances, cupboards all were placed on the curb for disposal while glassware and salvageable items were cleaned. Then, bucket by bucket several inches of muck was taken out of the basement. This is first wave cleaning and will be needed on literally thousands of homes in the Cedar Rapids area in the next few weeks.

People Pulling Together

I don't know about the rest of you, but Iowa feels like it is falling apart right now. The good part is that we are all hanging in there together and it seems like communities are really holding one another up. I was surprised when one of my parishoners came to bible study on Tuesday and brought our Annual Conference passage up... she didn't realize it was the AC scripture, but she said that it had given her comfort in these last few days. And with so many people unable to return to their homes, for who knows how long, it continues to be such a relevant and meaningful passage.

I was blessed to be in Cedar Rapids today and walk through some neighborhoods with other local ministers offering pastoral care and just listening to stories. It is heart breaking - but so many people were helping one another... there was one woman who said that she and her neighbor had not spoken for 10 years because of some long forgotten dispute - and they talked today for the first time. It's just so powerful about how people pulled together and helped.

Katie Z. Dawson
Pastor at Marengo UMC

Matthew 25, Cedar Rapids, June 20

Matthew 25 Friends and Supporters:

During the past several days Courtney and I have been incredibly moved by the outpouring of support from many of you. Your questions, prayers and concerns have meant a lot to us. We want to send this e-mail to you to update you on the Matthew 25 Ministry Hub flood damage and to let you know ways you can help the people of the Taylor Neighborhood.

First, the damage. As you can imagine, probably 70% of the Taylor Neighborhood was underwater last weekend. Included in this were nearly all the helping agencies in the area. Taylor Elementary had three feet of water inside. Matthew 25 was completely filled with water. Fortunately, we had moved many items up one level. However, even that level had water three inches deep, just enough to seep into many of our computers. The main area where Matthew 25 was housed is similar to other pictures you have seen. Doors are swollen shut. Large sheets of paint are falling off the ceiling and walls. Mud coats everything. At this point, we are unsure of how salvageable the space is, but we are in conversations with Trinity about cleaning, rehabilitation and forward momentum in the ministry. Beyond Matthew 25, Courtney's house also had water half way up the first floor.

In the midst of this, we believe the Matthew 25 Ministry Hub is now more important to the people of the Taylor Community than ever before. Already, we are working at ways to support people as they rebuild their lives. Thanks to the generosity of Sharon UMC we have new space for offices and programming. This space is located just south of the Taylor Neighborhood, in Sharon UMC on the corner of 18th Ave. and 9th St. Our phone number, 362-2214 remains the same and our e-mail addresses of and continue to work. Truly, in the midst of this storm, Matthew 25 is blessed. Our goal is to be a blessing to others and to help reweave some of the community connections that have been ripped apart by this flood.

Many of you have asked us about ways you can help the neighborhood and Matthew 25. We appreciate your patience as we figure out how best to be in ministry. Here are our thoughts on how all of us can best put our faith into action at the present time.

Neighborhood Meals Program- This is the free lunch program served at Matthew 25. These meals provide a great gathering place for those in the Taylor community and we believe it is important to continue these now, more than ever. In order to do this we need your help.

Needed are:

  • Volunteers to help with meals and children's activities from 11:30am-1:30pm
  • People willing to transport food from Echo Hill Presbyterian in Northeast Cedar Rapids to Sharon UMC between 11:15am-12pm
  • Donations of paper plates, napkins, silverware and cups to serve meals upon
  • Loving Our Neighbors Teams- Initially, these teams will travel the Taylor Neighborhood in teams of 2-3. They will drive through the neighborhood with water, snacks, hand wipes, information packets and listening sheets, asking our neighbors how we can best support them. These teams will be sent out from Sharon UMC at 9:30am and 1:00pm Monday-Friday.
  • E-mail us or call if you want to be a part of these teams in one of the following ways.
  • People willing to attend training sessions and be on these teams (some of whom can drive)
  • Lead volunteers to act as coordinators for these teams: Donations of Home Made Cookies, eight to a package in ziploc bags, Hand wipes and sanitizer

Clean-Up Teams- We are going to need volunteers that are able and willing to help clean-up churches, agencies and houses in the Taylor Neighborhood. In the next few days we will need some volunteers with trucks to help wipe down and transport items to our temporary location. Matthew 25, Trinity UMC and Courtney specifically are in need of loaned generators, power washers and wet vacs. Contact Clint at 270-3113 if interested in helping specifically with Matthew 25.

If you are able to lend any skills towards helping others clean up, please contact Melisa Bracht-Wagner at 480-4469 and let her know you are interested in helping anywhere, but especially in the Taylor Neighborhood.

Finally, Matthew 25 is helping to organize and lend support to a neighborhood meeting for Taylor residents that will take place on Saturday, June 20th at 2pm at Jefferson High School. If any pastors are available to provide for potential pastoral care needs following this meeting, please let Clint know.

Our hope is that these items give everyone who is feeling called an opportunity to be the hands and feet of God in the midst of this tragedy. People are hurting and we pray that we can be present to them. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

God's Peace,

Clint Twedt-Ball and Courtney Ball

Images of Trinity UMC, Cedar Rapids, June 19

(Images by Susan Wolfe)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bishop Palmer visit to Cedar Rapids - June 18

Bishop Palmer visited the afflicted areas of Cedar Rapids on Wednesday, June 18th.

Bishop Palmer inside the Salem UMC in Cedar Rapids

Cathy Whitlach shows Bishop Palmer some of the flooded area.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Triage Care and an Opportunity

Yesterday several of us were present for folks in the St. James UMC neighborhood as “triage” pastoral care. This was very necessary.

This morning about 8 others went into this same neighborhood about 3 hours after people were let into their homes. We were particularly focused on the St. James congregation (because Beth Straw called us in) and because we believed others were helping elsewhere. We will be sending these types of groups from St. Mark’s UMC and FUMC Marion at 9:30 AM each of the next two days. All clergy are invited to come and be deployed in this task.

Long term care is being put in place through a consortium funneling into the Iowa Disaster Human Resource Council.

Rev. Mike Morgan
First UMC, Marion

Palo Church conditions, June 18

If you enter the church through the front door, everything looks normal. The only indication of anything wrong is the dampness and the musty smell.

Look down the steps and you see the problem. The water in the basement reached the top of the door at the bottom of the sanctuary steps. That's a height of over 6 feet. When I was in the church today at 3:30, the water level in the basement was about 5.5 inches. I spoke with Dick Bull, who has several large pumps and had offered to drain the water. It appears the water is finding its own way out through the floor and/or foundation. So, we'll wait and see if it will drain by itself. I will check the level again tomorrow afternoon. If it's not dropping, we'll pump it. If we're lucky, it may be gone. The walls outside the church appear normal and the drop of water inside would indicate that there's no danger of the foundation collapsing.

However, regardless of how the water gets out, we need to deal with the mess it leaves behind.

It's probably safe to say that everything in the basement is lost. The refrigerators are laying face down. The cabinets and counters have floated away. The TV is under water - every chair is muddy. Every table has been moved. At a level of 6 feet, the water touched everything, including the Christmas tree on top of the folding chair rack. Actually, that rack is probably the only thing that's in the same spot. Even the sinks have been moved.

We need people to come to the church Saturday morning to help us move everything out. There will be a lot of junk, but we also need people to look at what needs to be saved. We'll need volunteers to take dishes home and wash them. We'll need to have all of the folding chairs and tables washed. We also need to decide on the paneling and carpet - whether to rip it all out or try to clean it.

We have a FEMA case number, but we're not covered by any insurance and I doubt we'll be eligible for anything from the government other than a small business loan. I don't yet know what the Iowa Annual Conference may be able to provide in terms of financial assistance.

Please be watching for an update tomorrow evening on the water level and the plan for Saturday. Plus, I will finalize the location for the Sunday worship service.


(Rev. John Howerton is Pastor of the Palo UMC)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Coralville United Methodist Church, June 17

Just wanted to let you know what we are up to in Coralville. We've been organizing sandbagging crews. Rev. Beverly Marshall-Goodell and I have been asked to coordinate crisis counseling from faith community leaders in the area (We are on the executive committee of the Counsel of Religious Communities). The CRC is holding a meeting this Wednesday 10-12am at Tiffin UMC to discuss how faith communities can be working to support other releif work. In 1993 faith communities in IC distributed over $1 million in aid (according to one pastor here then). I understand Harlan Gilespie was instrumental in that effort so tap into him in CR.

CUMC is having conversations about hosting volunteer groups who need floor space and cooking facilities. We had our first takers today. While sandbagging one in our crew happened onto a group of 14 from Witchita Kansas First UMC who were on their way to Wisconsin for a mission trip, ran into closed roads, and decided to stop and help. They were hoping to find a Methodist Church with whom they might stay. We've got showers across the street at the City Recreation Center and they are bedding down in the fellowship hall tonight.

One person at CUMC has suggested a part time staff hire for a Director of Volunteer Coordination and Disaster Relief to coordinate our own volunteer teams and those who may travel into town from elsewhere over the next few months. I was in conversation with someone about fundraising for that position. We already have a couple of candidates.

I know the worst hasn't yet hit IC and Coralville. We're keeping CR in our prayers.


Douglas E. Williams, D.Min
Coralville United Methodist

East Central District, June 17

In Cedar Rapids, the Salem UMC, St. James UMC, Trinity UMC, and the Matthew 25 Ministry Hub have all experienced significant damage from the flooding. The full extent of the damage will not be known until they are allowed to go in and inspect the damage, hopefully by later this week. The Salem congregation is worshiping on Sundays at 11 at Lovely Lane UMC. The St. James congregation is worshipping on Sundays at 10:45 at St. Mark’s UMC. The Trinity congregation is worshipping on Sundays at 11 at Asbury UMC. Please be in prayer for these congregations.

While being interviewed on KCRG Channel 9, the Rev. Linda Bibb shared a powerful testimony in the way she reframed the situation that the Salem congregation finds itself in. When asked how her church is doing while showing a picture of the building almost covered by floodwater, Linda told of how her people had worked to evacuate other members of the congregation and people in their neighborhood in the days and hours before the flooding began. She reminded KCRG---and all of us---that that’s the church. She said: “So we’re sad about our building, but Salem Church is doing well.” Thanks be to God for this faithful witness---that while our buildings are precious to and indeed-holy ground—the church is not the building!

-Jill Sanders

Charles City, from June 9

The Cedar River, which goes through Charles City, crested this afternoon, with record flooding along the entire Cedar River valley. We are on the NE side of the river and not able to go to the SW part of town. There was a footbridge open this morning for pedestrian crossage in the middle of town, but that was closed off late this morning. Many, many homes are flooded along the river. The historic suspension bridge is gone. The two main traffic bridges are closed and they are still concerned that they might be stressed beyond use. We haven't had any calls for assistance at the church, however I was just across the street to the YMCA and talked with the Salvation Army coordinator and the Y director. They are coordinating with the Red Cross, and I offered any assistance our church might be able to provide. They're set up with cots and food for 30 people tonight. There were a few people there last night, and they expect between 20-30 toight. Ironically, this is one of the most beautiful days we've had, weather-wise, for a long time... low humidity and pleasant temps with a mild wind.

I have a feeling things are going to get pretty busy around here as the clean-up processes begin and as we learn about the specific needs of all those affected. We've begun cancelling events already. The Youth Fest that was scheduled for Saturday is postponed. I'm not sure we'll be able to go ahead with our Vacation Bible School this week because of the uncertainty of accessability by bridge and the availability of our teachers and volunteers. We'll make a call on that tomorrow when the staff is here. I'll update as I know more. Please keep our community in your prayers.


Gary VanWert
June 9, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

First UMC Marion Preps to Help

FUMC, Marion did not experience any flooding. We did lose 8 member homes. We are 5 miles from Cedar Rapids, which lost 5,000 homes and 3 United Methodist Churches. Of course, area towns of Iowa City, Anamosa, Palo, Vinton, and many others are also under water.

The website, lists supplies that are needed, how to register to help and other essential information

Volunteer coordinator is Pastor Melisa Bracht-Wagner who is the Associate Pastor at First UMC, Marion. You may register by email or contact the church at 319/377-4856 or the coordinator’s cell phone at 319/480-4469 to offer assistance.

Cedar Rapids Trinity UMC

Cedar Rapids Trinity UMC, located at 400 3rd Ave. SW, was also severely flooded this past week, as well as the entire Taylor Elementary neighborhood that Trinity resides in.

We met to worship yesterday at the generous invitation CR Asbury UMC at 11:00, where we will continue to meet for the foreseeable future as the waters continue to recede and we are able to assess the situation in our property and determine how best we can serve the community we live in.

I want to echo the sentiments shared by my colleague and dear friend, Rev. Linda Bibb of Salem UMC, in comments that I shared with the Trinity congregation yesterday - that the church is alive and well, because the church is the people, and not the building. Some of the Trinity faithful have been members for upwards of 70 years or more, and we believe that there is a difference between "going to church", and "being the church". We stand ready to not only rebuild Trinity, but to continue to reach out to the Taylor neighborhood with love and whatever assistance we can offer.

On this side of eternity, everything that has happened in the 100 year history of the current Trinity sanctuary - worship, prayer, Scripture, fellowship, etc - is not considered to be a "lost history", but rather it is what has prepared us to live in THIS MOMENT, that the "peace that passes all understanding" that all believers can experience through faith in Jesus Christ will sustain us and carry us through the task ahead.

Rev. Bob Voels
Pastor, Trinity UMC

Iowa is a Red Cross Level 5 Disaster

I’ve just returned home from a training for Red Cross volunteers. The man leading the training was from Dallas, TX. At the beginning of our time together, he shared that the worst two national disasters---Hurricane Katrina and 9/11—were classified by the Red Cross and FEMA as Level 6 Disasters. What is taking place in eastern Iowa has been classified Level 5. Please continue to pray for us as the magnitude of this disaster begins to sink in!! Twenty per cent of the CR population has been displaced. We are going to need your help!

Jill Sanders

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

(Salem United Methodist Church, Cedar Rapids
Photo by Jill Sanders)

As of today, 83 of Iowa's 99 counties have been declared state disaster areas. Eighteen counties have been designated as federal disaster areas. Cedar Rapids is innundated. Iowa City is in peril. Levees in parts of Des Moines have given way.

The Storms 2008 section of the Iowa Annual Conference (United Methodist) website -, has audio and photo pages and updates on how churches and parsonages are faring.

Current inter-faith responses to the Storms are posted at:

Please use this blogsite to share your experiences, post photographs, list links of helpful information and offer suggestions about how others can cope with this crisis.